28 Articles where Author includes Marie Edwards

A time to renew?
Reflecting on the challenges we are facing in the current pandemic.
As we progress through to the end of a challenging year, we prepare for change and look to enhance our resilience.
In the midst of a virus pandemic and a national lockdown, we can see signs of the dawn of a new era.
Marie reflects on the recent virus pandemic and what we can learn from it
Marie reflects on the interplay between the polarities of "masculine" and "feminine" energies during the design process and the transformation of our relationships with Nature. Krysia compares the polarities of "germ theory" and "terrain theory" in health and offers some tips on nutrition to help the immune system.
Marie reviews the recent (2019) William Blake exhibition at Tate Britain.
Our regular contributors reflect on the season and offer some suggestions on how to connect with the natural cycle of events. Marie - Imbolc and the era of the Wild Boar. Krysia - care of our kidneys and a recipe for aduki bean pie. Edwina - the power of deep roots, including the uses of comfrey and dandelion.
In the stillness of winter we reflect on the challenges that the next year will bring. Is this a time for "sublime madness"?
Our regular contributors reflect on the autumn and offer some suggestions on how to connect with the natural cycle of events. Marie finds inspiration in spiders, Krysia writes about caring for our lungs and large intestines with nourishing soups.
Marie reviews the nature of education and how we can integrate this with the patterns of life.
Two businesses moving in the same direction as we are. We talk to Jayson Byles of East Neuk Seaweed in Fife and Jayne Birkett from the La'al Burger Bar in Ambleside.
A place to distribute surplus and also ask for help. In this issue, we start our listings of "zero waste" and low-waste retail outlets that we like.
Our regular contributors reflect on summertime: the Lammas festival and starfish, caring for the heart and small intestine, medicine with summer herbs (rosebay willow herb, nettle, mugwort) and in general offer some suggestions on how to connect with the natural cycle of events.
First networking, then action. With some guidance from Charles Eisenstein and David Holmgren (Retrosuburbia)
Our regular contributors reflect on springtime and offer some suggestions on how to connect with the natural cycle of events. Marie celbrates Beltane, Krysia on how to care for our livers with recipes for spring. Edwina provides recommendations for the use of hawthorn, nettle, and cleavers and we do some seasonal gardening with Teresa on polycultures for spring.
Marie reviews Stefan Geyer's "Zen in the Art of Permaculture Design"
Let's continue to connect and, through our actions, provide inspiration to others.
Our regular contributors reflect on the winter season and offer some suggestions on how to connect with the natural cycle of events. Simple celebrations, taking care of our kidneys and how to make fire cider vinegar.
Let's work together to create the year that we want.
Marie reviews a TED talk on the "hounourable harvest by Robin Kimmerer which is about gratitude for our food.
Our regular contributors reflect on connecting with the autumn season. Marie looks at the traditions of Samhain and All Hallows, Krysia writes about strenthening the intestines and suggests soups and fruit desserts. Edwina extolls the virtues of rosehips.
The interview with Angus Soutar continues, and we have a reminiscence with Maureen Boustred about land on the North Downs in East Kent.
Marie writes about the importance of being connected.
A short review of the film "Inhabit" - an introduction to the gentle, steady and necessary transformation of our world through permaculture design.
Our regular contributors reflect on the summer season. They offer some suggestions on how to connect with the natural cycle of events reflecting on sunflowers, the heart and small intestine and luscious strawberries.
In this first issue we are interviewing Angus Soutar who is the Principal and Founder of the Northern School of Permaculture. Angus has over 25 years experience of practising and teaching permaculture.
Marie sets the scene for this first issue and explains what moves us to produce our Journal.